Notes for authors about manuscripts

How to write and publish articles in our magazine

Wittgenstein. Blätter des Wittgensteiner Heimatvereins e.V.

(As of August: 2021)    © WHV 2021


I. General information

The text should be sent as a file (if possible in Word for Windows only) to the editor of the Wittgensteiner Heimatverein e.V. If possible, electronically to: or as a file on a digital medium (CD / DVD / USB stick) – otherwise to the postal address of the editor (see imprint). Please do not use styles or other formatting. Do not hyphenation under any circumstances. If possible, the article should be written in Times New Roman font or Arial font in size 12 points with 1.5 line spacing. For the footnotes or endnotes, please use a 10-point font (Times New Roman or Arial).

You are welcome to work with footnotes, we convert footnotes to endnotes.


  • the name of the author,
  • his/her postal address
  • and telephone number

should be mentioned.

For our periodical Wittgenstein. Blätter des Wittgensteiner Heimatvereins e.V. we apply the new German spelling, except for quotations.


II. Typographical design

Book or essay titles quoted in the text, lowercase foreign-language technical terms (e.g. ecclesiola in ecclesia) or similar are italicized without quotation marks. Please do without any letter spacing.

Quotations from primary and secondary literature are placed in double typographic quotation marks ("..."), but not in italics,

Quotations in quotation usually in simple typographic quotation marks ('...').

Punctuation marks that belong to the quote appear before, punctuation marks that the author adds after the quotation marks at the end of the quote.


The superscript annotation digit is immediately after the quotation marks if the reference refers only to the quotation; it is after the period at the end of the sentence if the proof refers to the whole sentence.


Omissions or additions in quotations are indicated by square brackets: "[...]".

Emphasis, explanations and additions in quotations made by the author are shown in square brackets with "[by the author]".

Inflection changes in title information are also placed in square brackets.

Abbreviations in quotations are resolved in square brackets without a period, resolutions of names as well, for example: g. to g[eboren], G. BAUER to G[ustav] BAUER.

Quotations should preferably be reproduced in original orthography. If it is advisable to use today's spelling for reasons of readability/comprehensibility, this should be noted accordingly. The capitalization of individual words or entire passages should be omitted.


Double hyphens, for example in the title of old prints, are retained: Hoch=Gnädigster Grav undt Herr Henrich Albrecht


Abbreviations such as "z.B.", "v.a.", "u.s.w.", "o.ä." appear without a spatium, i.e. without a space (not "v. a.", "u. s. w.").


The "short hyphen" connects words beyond a break, serves as a supplementary dash and holds composites together. It is used without spatium. The "protected dash, on the other hand, is longer and is used with spatium before and after this punctuation mark. This half-dash is also used for life dates and years, but then without spatium.

Dates are written out (16871741; not 168799). An exception is possible for the following year (1966/67). The text reads "from 1687 to 1741", not "from 16871741".


Numbers are written out up to and including twelve, but no longer from 13!

When it comes to our periodical, please specify in full: „Wittgenstein. Blätter des Wittgensteiner Heimatvereins e.V. Do not specify Wittgenstein or similar as a magazine, or abbreviate it !! When a person is first mentioned, the first name is written out.


III. Footnotes and bibliographic information

We do not use a bibliography, all literature should be mentioned in the notes.

To create annotations, use the footnote function of your word processor (as a rule, the hint digits in the text then appear superscripted). Footnotes or endnotes must be counted for essays for the entire contribution. In the notes, bibliographic information remains as follows: First name and surname of the author, author's last name in small caps, only the comma (,) is used for separations all annotations must be completed with an endpoint (.)

Within round brackets, the square brackets are used as a suborder.

The bibliographic information must be uniformly structured as follows (please note the punctuation marks!).


1. Independent publication (first mention): first name, surname, title. Subtitles, if necessary vol. and volume number of a serie in parentheses, if necessary band title, place of publication (if applicable, circulation indication by superscript, small number without spatium before the) Year of publication, please indicate the latest edition in addition to the first.

Example: Johannes BURKARDT / Ulf LÜCKEL, Das Fürstliche Haus zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (= Deutsche Fürstenhäuser Bd. 17), Werl 2005 [52014], S. 2325.


2. Essays in collected works (first mention): first name, surname, title of the essay, in: Title of the volume, subtitle, N.N. (editor), if applicable, vol. and volume number. If applicable, band title. Place of publication (if necessary edition indication by superscripted, small number without spatium before the) Year of publication (series title, volume number in Arabic numbers), pp. 1245, here 40.

Example: Rikarde RIEDESEL, Ruth Krebs jüdische Kindheit in Berleburg (19311939), in: Johannes BURKARDT und Ulf LÜCKEL (Hgg.), Aufsätze zu Geschichte und Naturkunde Wittgensteins. Eberhard Bauer zum 75. Geburtstag (= FS Eberhard Bauer), Kreuztal 2004, S. 253259, hier 257.


3. If the author of an essay and the editor of the anthology in which the essay is printed are identical, write out the first name and surname when specifying the publisher. Publisher is abbreviated as (ed.), if several editors are involved, please indicate (ed.).


4. Essays in magazines (first mention): first name and surname (in caps), title, subtitle, in: title/name of the magazine, year, year (in brackets!), S. [Verlagsortsangabe nicht nötig].

Example: Jürgen WEISS, Als in Wittgenstein noch Dampflokomotiven fuhren, in: Wittgenstein. Blätter des Wittgensteiner Heimatvereins e.V., Jg. 99 (2011) S. 124130. [„ß in Kapitälchen wird durch „SS ersetzt!]


5. Lexicon articles (first mention): first name and surname , Art. „Title, in: Lexicon title (possibly with circulation indication by attached, raised, small number without spatium) if applicable year of publication, either S. or Sp.

Example: Ulf LÜCKEL, Art. „Thielicke, Eduard, in: BBKL, volume XX (2002), columns 14591463, here Sp. 1462


6. In the case of extended and / or revised editions, write e.g. "2., revised. a. extended edition München 2017".


7. For places of publication, please write e.g. "Göttingen", "Bielefeld" no publisher information. For publications up to 1800, however, the publisher must be supplemented as far as possible (if known or indicated), e.g. Berleburg, Regelein, 1745.


8. If there is no place of publication, please write „o.O., if there is no year of publication then please write „o.J..


9. For page listings please separate with comma and the following spatium (S. 23, 44, 98). Please indicate page numbers with a protected (long) hyphen: pp. 6778.


10. Unpublished sources (first mention) are indicated with the name of the place of discovery / location (library, archive) and other required information (signature).


11. Dates in the annotations are given in eight digits, e.g. 03.05.1765; in the continuous text the information is as follows: 3 May 1765.


12. Apart from "Hg.", "s.", "vgl.", "FS" (Festschrift), "ND" (reprint), "Aufl." and other technical abbreviations, no other abbreviations should be used. Only a direct follow-up page is displayed with "f." (with dot!) specified. Instead of "ff.", the pages are specifically mentioned.


13. Quotes from the Internet are rendered with full Internet address (URL) and the date of last access.

Example: Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg, Herrn Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalgs, Koenigl. Daenischen Missionarii in Trangebar/ auf der Kueste Coromandel, Ausfuehrlicher Bericht wie er nebst seinem Collegen Herrn Heinrich Pluetscho / Das Amt des Evangelii daselbst unter den Heyden und Christen fuehre […]. Halle, Waisenhaus, 1710. URL: (last last access: 31.12.2017).


IV. Additional information

Historical persons are, as far as can be identified, given with life data at the first mention, e.g. Graf Casimir zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (16871741). Government data does not need to be provided.


The reproduction of illustration, tables, etc. is very welcome and should enrich your contribution. Please always attach separately, do not work into the text, that's what the editor does! Please send the images in digitized form to the editor as jpg. very much in colour!


Editorshop of the Wittgenstein Heritage Society, Germany,

to which you can also turn with questions!


© WHV 2021